Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday Morning Thoughts

For many years, my early-morning habit was writing. I would get up before my family and write - in a journal or here on the computer - thoughts, opinions, etc. Sometimes I would write stories or edit previous works, or write poetry or what-not. But the past school year has made that more difficult as I have been staying up too late and not getting up before the kids, so my writing has been pushed aside. I still write, but it isn't as consistent as it was....

So here I am on a Saturday morning. It is the first Saturday of summer break and yesterday evening was spent at the ball park watching my daughter play softball, followed by some time with my hubby watching tv....just a nice lazy evening. I was able to sleep in and now I have some time to myself before I get ready to work today.

I am a massage therapist, and I own my own business. From the beginning of my career, I have been my own boss - first as an Independent Contractor - and since January 1st of this year I have been the owner of a little larger business and now I manage a few other Independent Contractors as well. Really what that means is I am in charge of paying the bills and distributing the money... and a few other things that I am still learning. :) At times it is overwhelming, but overall I love the challenge. I absolutely love what I do - it is my calling in life and I am so glad that I found it. I am still learning how to balance it with the other aspects of my life - I definitely need to work harder at that - but I knew it wouldn't be easy. The challenges keep me alive though. ;)

Time for me to get going now...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Difficulty Sharing

It turns out that sharing my thoughts is a little more difficult than I thought it would be...
Even though my husband is the only person I have shared this with so far, just the thought of other people possibly reading it spooks me a little....which kinda surprises me. But I guess when I think about everything that has happened to me in relation to other people - especially over the past few years - I am not so terribly surprised. People can be advantageous and my previously shared thoughts have sometimes been used against me. I know the danger in sharing, and I'm not entirely sure that I want to risk it again.

On the other hand, I know that I am a good person (overall), and the people that used my thoughts and insecurities against me have their own problems. It is a sad thing when sharing human frailties and vulnerabilities becomes ammunition for other people. I have seen the dark side of people though and I am sad that they proved to be that way.

At any rate, I have found myself afraid to write and publish - even if very few people know this place exists.... and it is because of that fear that I am going forward and facing it. It's still difficult though.

I believe I have now made 2 posts, without really saying much of anything.... better to ease into it though.

Ciao for now -

Monday, May 18, 2009

My TOME.... (a definition and introduction)

The definition of "tome" is:
1. a book, esp. a very heavy, large, or learned book.
2. a volume forming a part of a larger work.

In this case, My TOME also stands for My Thoughts, Observations, Memories, Etc.

This is my first post, so I really don't know if I will do much with it. We'll see. I tend to write a lot - volumes - but I don't usually share my writing. I'm not entirely sure that anyone really wants to read what I write, and usually what I write is really pretty private. Really I'm mostly writing for myself. But if anyone else gets something from it, then of course that is an added bonus, so I figure I can try to share and see how it goes. I don't promise anything earth-shattering or anything - just my thoughts, observations, memories, etc.

So here it is.