Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Ok, so I haven't been very good about writing here. I do a lot of thinking - especially while walking all over town - but I haven't been good about putting my thoughts down in writing. It isn't a lack of ideas, but rather too many to choose from! So I've decided to be more simple in this one... and talk about transportation.

So we are here in New Zealand for about 5 months. In order to save money and get more exercise, we decided not to have a car while we are here. While most of the time that is working out pretty well, there are times when I really really miss having a car....

We are living in the city here, at 198 Bealey Ave., Christchurch.,172.640598&spn=0.007188,0.01929&z=16
We are able to walk most places, and take buses. We also have borrowed some bicycles, and we rented a car last weekend when we went to Dunedin.

I have to admit that I really miss having a car. I think the last time that I was without a car for an extended period of time was the beginning of my sophomore year of college. Other than that, it has always been very temporary. There have been times that our family of four has lived with just one car, but I was the one who had primary use of that car... not having even one is probably the biggest adjustment I have here.

I do enjoy walking. Mostly. We live on a busy street, and there is quite a bit of broken glass and graffiti. And car exhaust. :(
And when it rains....well, a few miles of walking - even in a light rain - can get pretty wet. This morning it was raining, and we only have one umbrella between the four of us. I got pretty wet. I know I can't complain too much, but there have been more than a few days where I have felt very soggy and sad...

As I said, we did also borrow some bicycles. It turns out (and I'm not proud to admit this), that I am a bit of a bicycle snob. I fondly remember my first couple triathlons as a teenager, when I rode a bike that didn't switch gears and still did well.... but since I bought my first bike of my own (my most expensive purchase ever until I went to college), I have had some pretty nice bikes. They don't have to be shiny (actually shiny is a sign of non-use, and what's the point of that?) or top-name-brand, but I'm kind of fond of brakes that work and don't squeak too much, wheels that don't wobble, and gears that do in-fact switch. Here, we have learned that it is true that "beggars can't be choosers", and I am humbled as I pedal around squeaking and grinding and wobbling. ~sigh~

And then there is driving. We did rent a car last weekend, and I didn't even try to drive it. I am now able to cross the street by looking the right ways, but I'm afraid I'm too old to learn how to drive on the left side of the road. If we actually had a car full-time I would probably try, but since we will likely only rent a car one or two other times, I guess I'll just let Bruce do the driving.

My legs and my feet are definitely getting work. I walk Lex to and from school and it is about a mile each way so I walk at least 4 miles each day. I'm not doing much running yet, but building up there as well (I was waaaaay out of shape before we left). I also try to hike whenever I can - ideally in the hills, where the trees smell wonderful. Unfortunately my feet are not really happy yet, but I'm hopeful that they will adapt as well. I have especially enjoyed walking along the Avon River, which goes through the city and right next to Lex's school (hence the name "Avonside").

I feel like I can't write a post without a picture, so I will add a picture of me happily biking a few years back.... I miss my bike and look forward to getting back on it when I get back home.

Until then, I'll dodge the glass, admire the graffiti, enjoy the ducks, try not to think about the exhaust, and consider the free bikes a learning experience.

I am in New Zealand, after all. :)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck continuing to adjust to walking! I wonder how it will feel when you return. Will you drive less? I'll be curious.

    Or maybe you'll just ride a sheep everywhere once you return ;-)
